You can find my Google Scholar profile here.
1. Biasi, Barbara, Michael S. Dahl, and Petra Moser. The Role of Bipolar Disorder and Family Wealth in Choosing Creative Occupations.
[Previously circulated as "Mental Health, Creativity, and Wealth"]
NBER Working Paper n. 29422
Nature: Scientific Reports, vol. 14, n: 10703 (2024).
Biasi, Barbara. School Finance Equalization Increases Intergenerational Mobility. [appendix]
Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 41(1), pp. 1-38 (2023).
NBER Working Paper n. 25600. Policy brief:
2. Biasi, Barbara. Wisconsin's Act 10, Teacher Pay, and the Impact on Teachers' Labor Markets.
Education Next, vol. 23(2) (2023).
3. Biasi, Barbara, and Heather Sarsons. Flexible Wages Bargaining, and The Gender Gap. [appendix]
Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 137(1), pp. 215-266 (2022).
NBER Working Paper n. 27894; IZA Discussion Paper No. 13754
Coverage: Jacobin
4. Biasi, Barbara, and Petra Moser. Effects of Copyrights on Science.
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 13(4), pp. 218-260 (2021).
NBER Working Paper n. 24255, CEPR Discussion Paper n. 12651, NBER Digest, March 2018 Issue
Policy briefs & coverage: The Economist,, Cato Institute, Marginal Revolution
5. Biasi, Barbara. The Labor Market for Teachers Under Different Pay Schemes.
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol. 13(2), pp. 65-102 (2021).
Winner of the AEJ Best Paper Award for American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2024)
2016 NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship; Selected "Best Applied Paper" during the Econometric Society European Summer Meeting 2016
Policy briefs and press coverage: Cato Institute, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal (1/31/2017, 10/11/2018, 2/14/2019)
NBER Working Paper n. 24813
6. Biasi, Barbara, and Heather Sarsons. Information, Confidence, and The Gender Gap in Bargaining.
American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, vol. 111, pp. 174-178 (2021).
7. Biasi, Barbara, Julien Lafortune, and David Schönholzer. School Capital Expenditure Rules and Distribution.
American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, vol. 111, pp. 450-454 (2021).
8. Biasi, Barbara. Healthcare and Federalism: a Political Economy Approach.
Rivista di Politica Economica, SIPI Spa, issue 4, pp. 39-78 (2012).
[Previously circulated as "Mental Health, Creativity, and Wealth"]
NBER Working Paper n. 29422
Nature: Scientific Reports, vol. 14, n: 10703 (2024).
Biasi, Barbara. School Finance Equalization Increases Intergenerational Mobility. [appendix]
Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 41(1), pp. 1-38 (2023).
NBER Working Paper n. 25600. Policy brief:
2. Biasi, Barbara. Wisconsin's Act 10, Teacher Pay, and the Impact on Teachers' Labor Markets.
Education Next, vol. 23(2) (2023).
3. Biasi, Barbara, and Heather Sarsons. Flexible Wages Bargaining, and The Gender Gap. [appendix]
Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 137(1), pp. 215-266 (2022).
NBER Working Paper n. 27894; IZA Discussion Paper No. 13754
Coverage: Jacobin
4. Biasi, Barbara, and Petra Moser. Effects of Copyrights on Science.
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 13(4), pp. 218-260 (2021).
NBER Working Paper n. 24255, CEPR Discussion Paper n. 12651, NBER Digest, March 2018 Issue
Policy briefs & coverage: The Economist,, Cato Institute, Marginal Revolution
5. Biasi, Barbara. The Labor Market for Teachers Under Different Pay Schemes.
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol. 13(2), pp. 65-102 (2021).
Winner of the AEJ Best Paper Award for American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2024)
2016 NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship; Selected "Best Applied Paper" during the Econometric Society European Summer Meeting 2016
Policy briefs and press coverage: Cato Institute, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal (1/31/2017, 10/11/2018, 2/14/2019)
NBER Working Paper n. 24813
6. Biasi, Barbara, and Heather Sarsons. Information, Confidence, and The Gender Gap in Bargaining.
American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, vol. 111, pp. 174-178 (2021).
7. Biasi, Barbara, Julien Lafortune, and David Schönholzer. School Capital Expenditure Rules and Distribution.
American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, vol. 111, pp. 450-454 (2021).
8. Biasi, Barbara. Healthcare and Federalism: a Political Economy Approach.
Rivista di Politica Economica, SIPI Spa, issue 4, pp. 39-78 (2012).
Book Chapters
9. Biasi, Barbara, David J. Deming, and Petra Moser. "Education and Innovation".
In The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth.
Michael J. Andrews, Aaron Chatterji, Josh Lerner & Scott Stern, editors. University of Chicago Press (2020).
In The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth.
Michael J. Andrews, Aaron Chatterji, Josh Lerner & Scott Stern, editors. University of Chicago Press (2020).
Working Papers
Selected Work in Progress
How Political Institutions Shape Education Spending: Supermajority Requirements in U.S. School Capital Investments (with Julien Lafortune and David Schönholzer)
Awarded a Spencer Foundation Small Grant
Soft Skills in Higher Education (with Song Ma)
Awarded a Spencer Foundation Small Grant
Soft Skills in Higher Education (with Song Ma)